Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell Therapy

CAR - t细胞疗法是一种免疫疗法,它的目标是消灭血癌细胞.

3d render of T cells attacking 和 killing cancer cells
CAR - t细胞疗法 at UCLA Health


UCLA Health physicians are at the forefront of immunotherapy for cancer. As leaders in CAR - t细胞疗法, 我们开创了这些突破性的治疗方法,并继续使它们更有效.

什么是CAR - t细胞疗法?

CAR - t细胞疗法 activates a person’s immune system to fight off cancer. 这种突破性的治疗方法是一种称为效应细胞疗法或工程细胞疗法的免疫疗法. Immunotherapy is still relatively new, 但它对其他治疗方法无效的成人和儿童显示了希望.

T-cells are the central components of the immune system. In CAR - t细胞疗法, T-cells are collected from the patient’s blood. 然后, 在实验室里, 专家修改t细胞,使它们能够识别和攻击某些血癌.

The modified cells are then returned to the patient’s body. 如果治疗成功, 新改良的t细胞将帮助人体免疫系统杀死癌细胞, sending the disease into remission.

How Does CAR - t细胞疗法 Work?

How are T-cells used in CAR - t细胞疗法?

t细胞(一种白细胞)是免疫系统的核心成分. In CAR - t细胞疗法, T-cells are collected from the patient’s blood. 然后, 在实验室里, 专家修改t细胞,使它们能够识别和攻击某些血癌.

The modified cells are then returned to the patient’s body. 如果治疗成功, 新改良的t细胞将帮助人体免疫系统杀死癌细胞, sending the disease into remission after only one treatment.

What Can You Expect Before, During & CAR - t细胞治疗后?

As you begin CAR - t细胞疗法, remember that you’re in good h和s. 自2018年以来,皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家已经提供了200多次经fda批准的CAR - t细胞疗法.

CAR - t细胞治疗前:

  • Activate your myUCLAhealth (MyChart) 账户
  • Download the MyChart app to your smartphone
  • 完成myUCLAhealth (MyChart)中分配给您的任务,包括每日症状跟踪任务
  • 阅读教育材料
  • 与社会工作者会面,讨论在接受CAR - t细胞治疗时的护理计划, including local lodging 和 transport needs
  • 完成与执业护士的高级护理计划预约(仅限成人)
  • Attend all appointments 和 screening tests to prepare for CAR - t细胞疗法
  • 确定至少一名照顾者
  • Review 和 sign consent forms with your health care provider
  • Identify alternative transportation for at least eight weeks after your CAR - t细胞疗法; you cannot drive or operate heavy machinery for at least eight weeks

你的医疗保健提供者会用一种叫做分离的方法从你的身体中收集t细胞. 在apheresis, a machine separates your blood into different parts, with the goal of only removing the T-cells. The remaining blood is returned to your body. Your T-cells may be collected from your arm veins or from a catheter, which is placed before the collection starts.

这些t细胞被送到实验室,在那里它们被改造以攻击癌细胞. The new T-cells are kept in the laboratory to grow 和 multiply. 一旦有足够的数量,它们就被冷冻起来,直到它们准备好被送到皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心.

在CAR - t细胞治疗期间:

  • Lymphodepletion: 你将接受化疗,让你的身体为t细胞的注入做好准备. This treatment usually takes place in our outpatient clinic. 在淋巴细胞清除之前,你会有一个导管(也称为中心管), 这样你的医疗团队就可以方便地给你药物和液体. The catheter will be kept in place for at least 28 days or longer if needed.
  • 医院/诊所录取: 化疗完成后,您将被送进诊所或医院. Your care team will determine the location. Your team will review the details for your CAR T-cell infusion. You will be monitored closely by your team for at least seven to 14 days. While in the hospital, you will be monitored closely. You may be connected to continuous cardiac 和/or pulse oximeter monitoring.
  • CAR - t细胞输注: 第0天是CAR - t细胞输注的日子,并被用作计算距离接受它们还有多远的起点. 例如,注射后的第二天是第一天,第二天是第二天,以此类推.

CAR - t细胞治疗后:

注射后,t细胞会继续繁殖,瞄准并攻击你的癌细胞. Your safety is our top priority. Once you have received your infusion, 您的护理团队将密切监测您可能出现的副作用,并在需要时提供治疗.


The below guidebook provides information on CAR - t细胞疗法 for patients, 照顾者和家庭, 包括病人清单, 照顾者期望清单, 以及CAR - t细胞治疗的潜在副作用和康复过程的详细信息. The guidebook is presented as both a digital flip book 和 downloadable PDF, 和 is available in 英语 和 西班牙语.

CAR - t细胞疗法

CAR - t细胞疗法的副作用

细胞因子释放综合征: 在一些病人中, 身体会释放一种叫做细胞因子的物质,作为对过度活跃的免疫系统的反应. Patients may experience a high fever or chills, 头痛, 恶心想吐, 呕吐, 腹泻, 头晕, 低血压, difficulty breathing or confusion.

神经系统: 在极少数情况下,CAR - t细胞输注后,大脑和神经系统会暂时改变. Patients may experience confusion, difficulty talking or memory loss, 头痛, 癫痫发作, tremors or loss of consciousness.

Note: Most CAR - t细胞疗法 side effects are temporary 和 reversible.

Who is a C和idate for CAR - t细胞疗法?

The FDA currently has approved six CAR T-cell therapies to treat blood cancers. It is offered to select patients who have:

癌症类型 病人的标准 处理类型*

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)

Adult patients who have relapsed or not responded to previous treatments.

Breyanzi (lisocabtagene maraleucel)

Kymriah (tisagenlecleucel)

Yescarta (axicabtagene ciloleucel)

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)


Kymriah (tisagenlecleucel)

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

Adult patients who have relapsed or not responded to previous treatments.

Tecartus (brexucabtagene autoleucel)


Adult patients who have relapsed or not responded to previous treatments.

Tecartus (brexucabtagene autoleucel)


Adult patients who have relapsed or not responded to previous treatments.

Yescarta (axicabtagene ciloleudel)


Adult patients who have relapsed or not responded to previous treatments.


Carvykti (ciltacabtagene autoleucel)

*Your doctor will help you determine the best CAR - t细胞疗法 for you.

Why Choose UCLA Health for CAR - t细胞疗法?

免疫疗法通过使免疫系统识别和攻击癌症,帮助患者对抗不同形式的癌症. 一种免疫疗法, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy, specifically targets blood cancers so they can be eliminated.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的医生和研究人员处于免疫治疗创新的前沿. Highlights of our program include:

  • 突破性的解决方案: In 2018, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心成为美国首批提供商业化CAR - t细胞疗法的医疗系统之一. In 2020, UCLA Health was one of the first to offer Food & FDA批准CAR - t细胞疗法治疗复发或难治性套细胞淋巴瘤. We previously offered this therapy to participants in clinical trials.
  • 经验和专业知识: Our outst和ing team includes experts in hematology, 肿瘤学, 和 blood 和 bone marrow transplantation. 使用协调的方法, 我们与经验丰富的研究人员密切合作,通过免疫疗法临床试验和治疗提供突破性的癌症治疗.
  • 临床试验: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心(JCCC)的医生和研究人员在癌症研究方面处于领先地位. 如果你符合条件,你就可以参加各种免疫疗法的临床试验. 你的医生将讨论目前可用的开放CAR - t细胞治疗试验,并帮助你评估治疗的风险和益处. 找一个临床试验.
  • Pioneering the latest therapies: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家一直准备提供新的治疗方法,只要他们被FDA批准. 我们随时掌握最新的发展,以便在有有效的治疗方法时提供有效的治疗方法.


输液疗法: 在罗纳德·里根皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心和皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校圣莫尼卡医疗中心提供.

咨询 & 诊所: Appointments are scheduled in Westwood at 鲍耶肿瘤中心 韦斯特伍德儿科在圣莫尼卡 圣莫尼卡癌症护理中心(2020年).


Our outst和ing team includes experts in hematology, 肿瘤学 和 blood 和 bone marrow transplantation. 使用协调的方法, 我们与经验丰富的研究人员密切合作,提供突破性的癌症治疗.



For more information about CAR - t细胞疗法 at UCLA Health, please call 310-206-6909.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康免疫治疗专家制定个性化计划治疗血癌. For more information, call our cancer services team at 310-206-6909.